Spelling the sound [ ]

The spelling of a sound may be influenced by several factors:

  •   syllable structure: open or closed
  •   environment
  •   the position of the sound within a word: initial, middle, final
  •   a combination of two or more of the above

Conversely, how letters and letter groupings are pronounced may depend on different factors:
  •   syllable structure: open or closed
  •   environment
  •   the position of the letter within a word: initial, middle, final
  •   a combination of two or more of the above

How to spell it?

The sound [ ] is most often represented by the letter i:
  •   "i"             il, ville
  •   "î, ï "             île, Haïti

The sound [ ] is sometimes represented by the letter y:
  •   "y"             cycle