Pratique des sons : Exercice III

Le son [ ]

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the the correct
form of the indefinite article "un" or "une" according to the information given: M = masculine,
F = feminine
. For example, for "sport (M)" you would say . Click on the "réponse" sound
icon to listen to the correct pronunciation. Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the
control buttons at the bottom of the screen to listen to your recording. You may want to read the advice
on how to pronounce the sound [ ] by clicking on the grey link below.

Conseils articulatoires

            kimono (M)             réponse
            casque (M)             réponse
            musculature (F)             réponse
            vélo (M)             réponse
Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the the correct
form of the indefinite article "un" or "une" according to the information given: M = masculine,
F = feminine
. For example, for "sport (M)" you would say . Click on the "réponse" sound
icon to listen to the correct pronunciation. Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the
control buttons at the bottom of the screen to listen to your recording.

            voile (F)             réponse
            chaussure (F)             réponse
            chausson (M)             réponse
            bâton (M)             réponse
            étudiante (F)             réponse
            deltaplane (M)             réponse