Pratique des sons : Exercice II

Le son [ ]

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
You may read the script by going to the second page. However, try to do the exercise without
reading the script first. Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at
the bottom of the screen to listen to your recording. You may want to look at the advice
on how to pronounce the sound [ ] by using the link below.

Conseils articulatoires

            Segment 1
            Segment 2
            Segment 3
            Segment 4

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at the bottom of the screen to
listen to your recording.

            Il veut mieux manger.
            Pour déjeuner, il veut des oeufs.
            Combien d'oeufs est-ce qu'il veut?
            Il veut deux oeufs.

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
You may read the script by going to the second page. However, try to do the exercise without
reading the script first. Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at
the bottom of the screen to listen to your recording. You may want to look at the advice on how to
pronounce the sound [ ] by using the review menu.

            Segment 5
            Segment 6
            Segment 7
            Segment 8
            Segment 9
            Segment 10

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at the bottom of the screen to
listen to your recording.

            Ce jeu se joue à deux.
            Jeudi, elle veut déjeuner avec eux.
            Il a deux beaux yeux bleus.
            Est-il heureux ou malheureux?
            Il est heureux.
            C'est eux qui sont malheureux.