Pratique des sons : Exercice I

Le son [ ]

You are going to hear a series of nouns in the feminine form. After each noun, record its masculine form by clicking
on the record icon, paying attention to the ending which contains the sound [ ]. For example, if you heard
you would record . Click on the "forme masculine" icons to hear the correct answer. You may
want to read the advice on how to pronounce the sound [ ] by using the link below.

Conseils articulatoires

            la forme masculine

nom 1             réponse
nom 2             réponse
nom 3             réponse
nom 4             réponse

You are going to hear a series of nouns in the feminine form. After each noun,
record its masculine form by clicking on the record icon, paying attention to the ending
which contains the sound [ ]. For example, if you heard you would
record . Click on the "forme masculine" icons to hear the correct
answer. You may want to read the advice on how to pronounce the sound [ ] by using the review menu.

            la forme masculine

nom 5             réponse
nom 6             réponse
nom 7             réponse
nom 8             réponse
nom 9             réponse
nom 10             réponse