Pratique des sons : Exercice II

Le son [ ] précédé d'une autre consonne


Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
You may read the script by going to the second page. However, try to do the exercise without
reading the script first. Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at
the bottom of the screen to listen to your recording. You may want to read
the advice on how to pronounce the sound [ ] by clicking on the grey
link below.

Conseils articulatoires

            Segment 1
            Segment 2
            Segment 3
            Segment 4

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at the bottom of the screen to
listen to your recording.

            Le groupe francophone.
            Je crois qu'il travaille.
            Vous créez votre propre programme.
            Elle va attendre une autre proposition.

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
You may read the script by going to the second page. However, try to do the exercise without
reading the script first. Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at
the bottom of the screen to listen to your recording.

            Segment 5
            Segment 6
            Segment 7
            Segment 8

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at the bottom of the screen to
listen to your recording.

            Le nombre d'émissions présentées.
            Je montre des extraits du long métrage.
            Cette grande émission présente les premiers instruments.
            Préférez-vous les longs métrages ou les dramatiques?