Discrimination auditive : Exercice I

L'intonation dans les énoncés déclaratifs à plusieurs groupes


You are going to hear a series of sentences. For each sentence, indicate the number of rythmic
groups you hear: only one if the sentence is not interrupted by pauses, more than one if there are
pauses: 0, 1, 2, 3. For instance, if you heard you would type "1", if you heard ,
you would type "2". If you want to review the intonation patterns in French go to the review menu.

            nombre de groupes rythmiques


You are going to hear a series of sentences. For each sentence, indicate the number of rythmic
groups you hear: only one if the sentence is not interrupted by pauses, more than one if there are
pauses: 0, 1, 2, 3. For instance, if you heard you would type "1", if you heard ,
you would type "2". If you want to review the intonation patterns in French go to the review menu.

            nombre de groupes rythmiques