Pratique des sons : Exercice II

Le son [ ]

Practice listening and repeating these longer segments, paying special attention to the sound [ ] .
You may read the script by going to the second page.However, try to do the exercise without reading
the script first. Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at the bottom
of the screen to listen to your recording.You may want to read the advice on how to pronounce the sound [ ]
by clicking on the grey link below.

Conseils articulatoires

Segment 1 Segment 5
Segment 2 Segment 6
Segment 3 Segment 7
Segment 4 Segment 8

Practice listening and repeating the following sentences, paying special attention to the sound [ ].
Click on the microphone to record yourself; use the control buttons at the bottom of the screen
to listen to your recording.

L'acupuncture guérit par les aiguilles.
Elle guérit les douleurs gastriques et les troubles de la grossesse.
Elle guérit également la fatigue et la migraine.
Grâce à la phytothérapie, on régule l'organisme.
Mais on ne guérit pas les maladies graves.
L'ostéopathie guérit les grosses contractures des ligaments.
L'homéopathie guérit grâce à des globules, des granules et des gouttes.
Elle guérit la grippe, mais pas les rhumatismes aigus.